Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra Cheatsheet #

Apache Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers, providing high availability with no single point of failure.

General Commands #

cqlshcqlshStart the Cassandra Query Language shell
DESCRIBE TABLE <table_name>;DESCRIBE TABLE users;Describe a specific table
SHOW TABLES;SHOW TABLES;List all tables in the current keyspace

Keyspace and Table Management #

CREATE KEYSPACECREATE KEYSPACE my_keyspace WITH REPLICATION = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 3 };Create a new keyspace
USE <keyspace>;USE my_keyspace;Switch to a specific keyspace
CREATE TABLECREATE TABLE users (id UUID PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INT);Create a new table
DROP TABLEDROP TABLE users;Drop a table
DROP KEYSPACEDROP KEYSPACE my_keyspace;Drop a keyspace

CRUD Operations #

INSERT INTOINSERT INTO users (id, name, age) VALUES (uuid(), 'Alice', 30);Insert a new record
SELECTSELECT * FROM users;Query records from a table
UPDATEUPDATE users SET age = 31 WHERE name = 'Alice';Update a record
DELETEDELETE FROM users WHERE name = 'Alice';Delete a record

Indexes and Query Optimization #

CREATE INDEXCREATE INDEX ON users (age);Create an index on a column
DROP INDEXDROP INDEX users_age_idx;Drop an index
ANALYZE TABLEANALYZE TABLE users;Analyze a table for query optimization

Data Import and Export #

COPY FROMCOPY users (id, name, age) FROM 'users.csv' WITH DELIMITER = ',';Import data from a CSV file
COPY TOCOPY users TO 'users.csv' WITH DELIMITER = ',';Export data to a CSV file

Cluster Management #

nodetool statusnodetool statusCheck the status of the cluster
nodetool repairnodetool repairRepair inconsistencies in the cluster
nodetool flushnodetool flushFlush memtables to SSTables
nodetool compactnodetool compactCompact SSTables

Backup and Restore #

nodetool snapshotnodetool snapshot -t snapshot_name my_keyspaceCreate a snapshot backup
sstableloadersstableloader -d localhost:9042 /path/to/sstableLoad SSTables into Cassandra

This cheatsheet provides essential Apache Cassandra commands and options for managing keyspaces, tables, and data, as well as performing backups and maintaining cluster health.

Apache Cassandra

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