Oracle Database

Oracle Database Cheatsheet #

Oracle Database is a multi-model database management system developed by Oracle Corporation. It is widely used for its advanced features and high performance.

General Commands #

sqlplus <user>/<password>@<service>sqlplus system/password@orclConnect to an Oracle database using SQL*Plus
exit;exit;Exit SQL*Plus

Database Management #

CREATE DATABASE <db_name>;CREATE DATABASE mydb;Create a new Oracle database
DROP DATABASE <db_name>;DROP DATABASE mydb;Delete an Oracle database
ALTER DATABASE <db_name> OPEN;ALTER DATABASE mydb OPEN;Open an Oracle database
SHOW DATABASE;SHOW DATABASE;Show database information

User Management #

CREATE USER <username> IDENTIFIED BY <password>;CREATE USER myuser IDENTIFIED BY mypassword;Create a new user
DROP USER <username>;DROP USER myuser;Delete a user
GRANT <privileges> TO <username>;GRANT CONNECT, RESOURCE TO myuser;Grant privileges to a user
REVOKE <privileges> FROM <username>;REVOKE CONNECT, RESOURCE FROM myuser;Revoke privileges from a user

Table Management #

CREATE TABLE <table_name> (column_definitions);CREATE TABLE employees (id NUMBER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR2(100));Create a new table
DROP TABLE <table_name>;DROP TABLE employees;Delete a table
ALTER TABLE <table_name> ADD (column_name datatype);ALTER TABLE employees ADD (hire_date DATE);Add a column to a table
ALTER TABLE <table_name> DROP COLUMN <column_name>;ALTER TABLE employees DROP COLUMN hire_date;Drop a column from a table
DESC <table_name>;DESC employees;Describe the structure of a table

Data Manipulation #

INSERT INTO <table> (columns) VALUES (values);INSERT INTO employees (name) VALUES ('John Doe');Insert new data into a table
SELECT * FROM <table>;SELECT * FROM employees;Retrieve all data from a table
UPDATE <table> SET column = value WHERE condition;UPDATE employees SET name = 'Jane Doe' WHERE id = 1;Update existing data in a table
DELETE FROM <table> WHERE condition;DELETE FROM employees WHERE id = 1;Delete data from a table

Query Filtering and Sorting #

SELECT column1, column2 FROM <table> WHERE condition;SELECT name FROM employees WHERE id = 1;Retrieve specific data based on a condition

Indexing #

CREATE INDEX <index_name> ON <table> (column);CREATE INDEX idx_name ON employees (name);Create an index on a column
DROP INDEX <index_name>;DROP INDEX idx_name;Delete an index

Backup and Restore #

exp <user>/<password> FILE=<file.dmp> LOG=<file.log>exp system/password FILE=mydb_backup.dmp LOG=mydb_backup.logExport a database using Oracle Export Utility
imp <user>/<password> FILE=<file.dmp> LOG=<file.log>imp system/password FILE=mydb_backup.dmp LOG=mydb_restore.logImport a database using Oracle Import Utility

Server Status and Configuration #

SHOW PARAMETER <parameter>;SHOW PARAMETER db_name;Show the value of a specific configuration parameter
SELECT * FROM v$version;SELECT * FROM v$version;Show the Oracle database version
SELECT status FROM v$instance;SELECT status FROM v$instance;Show the status of the Oracle instance

This cheatsheet covers the most commonly used Oracle Database commands and options, helping you manage databases, users, tables, data, indexing, backups, and server status effectively.

Oracle Database

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