
Eclipse Cheatsheet #

Eclipse is a popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used for Java development, among other languages. It provides powerful tools for coding, debugging, and project management.

Basic Navigation #

Ctrl + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + ROpen resource
Ctrl + Shift + TCtrl + Shift + TOpen type
Ctrl + Shift + FCtrl + Shift + FFormat code
Ctrl + F11Ctrl + F11Run last launched application
Ctrl + Shift + F10Ctrl + Shift + F10Run or debug the selected configuration

Editing Code #

Ctrl + CCtrl + CCopy selected text
Ctrl + XCtrl + XCut selected text
Ctrl + VCtrl + VPaste text
Ctrl + ZCtrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YCtrl + YRedo
Ctrl + DCtrl + DDelete current line
Ctrl + /Ctrl + /Toggle comment on selected lines
Ctrl + Shift + /Ctrl + Shift + /Toggle block comment on selected lines

Searching and Replacing #

Ctrl + FCtrl + F search_termFind text in the file
Ctrl + HCtrl + HOpen search dialog
Ctrl + RCtrl + R old_textReplace text in the file
Ctrl + Shift + FCtrl + Shift + FFind in files
Ctrl + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + RReplace in files

File Management #

Ctrl + NCtrl + NNew file or project
Ctrl + SCtrl + SSave file
Ctrl + Shift + SCtrl + Shift + SSave all files
Ctrl + WCtrl + WClose current editor
Ctrl + Shift + WCtrl + Shift + WClose all editors
Alt + Shift + RAlt + Shift + RRename file or element

Integrated Terminal #

Ctrl + Alt + TCtrl + Alt + TOpen integrated terminal
Ctrl + Shift + TCtrl + Shift + TOpen terminal view

Debugging #

F11F11Start debugging
F5F5Step into
F6F6Step over
F7F7Step return
Ctrl + F2Ctrl + F2Terminate debugging session
Ctrl + Shift + BCtrl + Shift + BToggle breakpoint

Project Management #

Ctrl + Shift + PCtrl + Shift + POpen project properties
Ctrl + Shift + FCtrl + Shift + FFormat code
Alt + Shift + FAlt + Shift + FFix import issues

Miscellaneous #

Ctrl + Shift + ECtrl + Shift + ESwitch between open editors
Ctrl + Shift + LCtrl + Shift + LShow keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl + Shift + XCtrl + Shift + XConvert to uppercase
Ctrl + Shift + YCtrl + Shift + YConvert to lowercase

This cheatsheet covers the essential Eclipse commands and options to help you navigate, edit, and manage your projects efficiently in Eclipse IDE.


Explore our comprehensive cheatsheets to enhance your knowledge and efficiency. Each cheatsheet provides detailed command options, examples, and descriptions to help you master various tools and technologies.