
Emacs Cheatsheet #

Emacs is a highly customizable and extensible text editor. It is known for its powerful features and extensive keyboard shortcuts, making it suitable for a wide range of tasks.

Basic Navigation #

C-fC-fMove cursor forward by one character
C-bC-bMove cursor backward by one character
C-nC-nMove cursor to the next line
C-pC-pMove cursor to the previous line
M-fM-fMove cursor forward by one word
M-bM-bMove cursor backward by one word
C-aC-aMove cursor to the beginning of the line
C-eC-eMove cursor to the end of the line
M-<M-<Move cursor to the beginning of the buffer
M->M->Move cursor to the end of the buffer

Editing Text #

C-dC-dDelete the character under the cursor
M-dM-dDelete the word forward
C-kC-kKill (cut) text from the cursor to the end of the line
C-yC-yYank (paste) the previously killed text
M-yM-yCycle through the killed texts
C-x C-sC-x C-sSave the current buffer
C-x C-cC-x C-cExit Emacs
C-/ or C-x uC-/ or C-x uUndo the last action
C-spaceC-spaceSet the mark (start selection)

Search and Replace #

C-sC-s search_termSearch forward for “search_term”
C-rC-r search_termSearch backward for “search_term”
M-%M-% old_text RET new_text RETReplace “old_text” with “new_text” in the buffer

File Operations #

C-x C-fC-x C-f filenameOpen or create a file named “filename”
C-x C-wC-x C-w newfileSave the current buffer as “newfile”
C-x kC-x kKill (close) the current buffer
C-x bC-x b buffer_nameSwitch to the buffer named “buffer_name”

Window Management #

C-x 2C-x 2Split the window horizontally
C-x 3C-x 3Split the window vertically
C-x 1C-x 1Delete other windows, keeping only the current one
C-x oC-x oSwitch to the other window

Buffer Management #

C-x bC-x b buffer_nameSwitch to the buffer named “buffer_name”
C-x C-bC-x C-bList all buffers
C-x kC-x k buffer_nameKill (close) the buffer named “buffer_name”

Customization and Help #

M-xM-x commandExecute a command by name
C-h tC-h tOpen the Emacs tutorial
C-h fC-h f function_nameDisplay documentation for “function_name”
C-h vC-h v variable_nameDisplay documentation for “variable_name”
M-x customizeM-x customizeOpen the customization interface

Advanced Commands #

M-x shellM-x shellOpen a shell within Emacs
M-x termM-x termOpen a terminal emulator within Emacs
M-x magitM-x magitOpen the Magit interface for Git version control

This cheatsheet covers the essential Emacs commands and options to help you navigate, edit, and manage text efficiently in Emacs.


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