IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA Cheatsheet #

IntelliJ IDEA is a powerful Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Java and other programming languages. It offers advanced features for coding, debugging, and project management.

Basic Navigation #

Ctrl + NCtrl + NFind class by name
Ctrl + Shift + NCtrl + Shift + NFind file by name
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + NCtrl + Alt + Shift + NFind symbol by name
ShiftShiftSearch everywhere
Ctrl + ECtrl + EView recent files
Ctrl + TabCtrl + TabSwitch between open files

Editing Code #

Ctrl + CCtrl + CCopy selected text
Ctrl + XCtrl + XCut selected text
Ctrl + VCtrl + VPaste text
Ctrl + ZCtrl + ZUndo
Ctrl + YCtrl + YRedo
Ctrl + DCtrl + DDuplicate line or selection
Ctrl + /Ctrl + /Comment or uncomment line
Ctrl + Shift + /Ctrl + Shift + /Comment or uncomment block

Searching and Replacing #

Ctrl + FCtrl + F search_termFind text in the file
Ctrl + RCtrl + R old_textReplace text in the file
Ctrl + Shift + FCtrl + Shift + FFind in path
Ctrl + Shift + RCtrl + Shift + RReplace in path

File Management #

Ctrl + NCtrl + NCreate a new file or project
Ctrl + SCtrl + SSave file
Ctrl + Shift + SCtrl + Shift + SSave all files
Ctrl + WCtrl + WClose current editor tab
Ctrl + Shift + WCtrl + Shift + WClose all editor tabs
Alt + EnterAlt + EnterShow intention actions and quick fixes

Integrated Terminal #

Alt + F12Alt + F12Open integrated terminal
Ctrl + Shift + F12Ctrl + Shift + F12Maximize/minimize editor and tool windows

Debugging #

Shift + F9Shift + F9Debug
F8F8Step over
F7F7Step into
Shift + F8Shift + F8Step out
Ctrl + F2Ctrl + F2Stop debugging
Alt + F9Alt + F9Run to cursor

Refactoring #

Ctrl + Alt + Shift + TCtrl + Alt + Shift + TRefactor this
Shift + F6Shift + F6Rename
Ctrl + Alt + VCtrl + Alt + VExtract variable
Ctrl + Alt + MCtrl + Alt + MExtract method
Ctrl + Alt + FCtrl + Alt + FExtract field

Project Management #

Ctrl + Shift + ACtrl + Shift + AFind action
Alt + F1Alt + F1Find file in project view
Ctrl + F9Ctrl + F9Build project
Ctrl + Shift + F9Ctrl + Shift + F9Compile selected files

Miscellaneous #

Ctrl + Shift + LCtrl + Shift + LShow all key bindings
Ctrl + Alt + LCtrl + Alt + LReformat code
Ctrl + Shift + NCtrl + Shift + NOpen file by name
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + SCtrl + Alt + Shift + SOpen project structure

This cheatsheet covers essential IntelliJ IDEA commands and options to help you navigate, edit, and manage your projects efficiently in IntelliJ IDEA.

IntelliJ IDEA

Explore our comprehensive cheatsheets to enhance your knowledge and efficiency. Each cheatsheet provides detailed command options, examples, and descriptions to help you master various tools and technologies.