Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code Cheatsheet #

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular, lightweight code editor with extensive features and support for a variety of programming languages.

Basic Navigation #

Ctrl + PCtrl + PQuick open files by name
Ctrl + Shift + PCtrl + Shift + POpen the Command Palette
Ctrl + Shift + OCtrl + Shift + OGo to symbol in file
Ctrl + GCtrl + GGo to line number
Ctrl + BCtrl + BToggle sidebar visibility
Ctrl + JCtrl + JToggle the integrated terminal
Ctrl + TabCtrl + TabSwitch between open files

Editing Code #

Ctrl + CCtrl + CCopy selected text
Ctrl + XCtrl + XCut selected text
Ctrl + VCtrl + VPaste text from clipboard
Ctrl + ZCtrl + ZUndo last action
Ctrl + YCtrl + YRedo last undone action
Alt + UpAlt + UpMove line up
Alt + DownAlt + DownMove line down
Ctrl + /Ctrl + /Toggle line comment
Ctrl + Shift + ACtrl + Shift + AToggle block comment

Searching and Replacing #

Ctrl + FCtrl + F search_termFind text in the current file
Ctrl + HCtrl + H old_textReplace text in the current file
F3F3Find next occurrence of search term
Shift + F3Shift + F3Find previous occurrence of search term

File Management #

Ctrl + NCtrl + NNew file
Ctrl + SCtrl + SSave file
Ctrl + Shift + SCtrl + Shift + SSave As
Ctrl + WCtrl + WClose current file
Ctrl + Shift + TCtrl + Shift + TReopen closed file
Ctrl + K Ctrl + SCtrl + K Ctrl + SOpen keyboard shortcuts

Integrated Terminal #

Ctrl + \Ctrl + \Split terminal
Ctrl + Shift + \Ctrl + Shift + \Toggle terminal panel
Ctrl + CCtrl + CCopy selection in terminal
Ctrl + VCtrl + VPaste into terminal
Ctrl + Shift + CCtrl + Shift + CCopy selection from terminal

Extensions and Customization #

Ctrl + Shift + XCtrl + Shift + XOpen Extensions view
Ctrl + Shift + PCtrl + Shift + POpen Command Palette to access extension commands
Ctrl + ,Ctrl + ,Open settings
Ctrl + K Ctrl + SCtrl + K Ctrl + SOpen keyboard shortcuts editor

Debugging #

F5F5Start debugging
F9F9Toggle breakpoint
F10F10Step over
F11F11Step into
Shift + F11Shift + F11Step out

This cheatsheet covers the essential Visual Studio Code commands and options to help you navigate, edit, and manage your code efficiently in VSCode.

Visual Studio Code

Explore our comprehensive cheatsheets to enhance your knowledge and efficiency. Each cheatsheet provides detailed command options, examples, and descriptions to help you master various tools and technologies.