AIX Cheatsheet #

AIX (Advanced Interactive eXecutive) is IBM’s proprietary Unix operating system, known for its robustness and enterprise-level features. It is commonly used on IBM’s Power Systems hardware. Below is a comprehensive cheatsheet to help you get started with AIX, covering various commands and their descriptions.

System Information and Management #

uname -aDisplay all system information
prtconfDisplay system configuration
lsattr -El sys0Display system attributes
lsdev -CList all devices
errptDisplay system error report
topasDisplay real-time system statistics
ps -efList all running processes
lslpp -LList installed software packages
installp -a -d <device> <package>Install a software package
smittySystem Management Interface Tool

User and Group Management #

mkuser <username>Add a new user
rmuser <username>Delete a user
usermod -G <group> <username>Add a user to a group
mkgroup <group>Create a new group
rmgroup <group>Delete a group
passwd <username>Change a user’s password

Network Management #

ifconfig -aDisplay all network interfaces
ping <hostname/IP>Send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts
netstat -rnDisplay the routing table
route add <destination> <gateway>Add a static route
lsattr -El inet0Display network attributes
smitty tcpipConfigure TCP/IP network settings

Disk Management #

df -kDisplay disk usage in kilobytes
du -sk <directory>Show disk usage of a directory
lsvgList volume groups
lslvList logical volumes
mountDisplay all mounted filesystems
mount <device> <directory>Mount a filesystem
umount <directory>Unmount a filesystem
crfs -v jfs2 -g <vg> -a size=<size> -m <mount_point> -A yesCreate a new filesystem

System Services and Daemons #

startsrc -s <service>Start a service
stopsrc -s <service>Stop a service
refresh -s <service>Refresh a service
lssrc -aList all services
lssrc -s <service>Display the status of a service

File Operations #

cp <source> <destination>Copy files or directories
mv <source> <destination>Move or rename files or directories
rm <file>Delete a file
rm -r <directory>Delete a directory and its contents
chmod <permissions> <file>Change file permissions
chown <owner>:<group> <file>Change file owner and group
ln -s <target> <link>Create a symbolic link


Explore our comprehensive cheatsheets to enhance your knowledge and efficiency. Each cheatsheet provides detailed command options, examples, and descriptions to help you master various tools and technologies.