
BSD Rsync Cheatsheet #

BSD rsync is similar to GNU rsync but may have slight differences depending on the version.

Basic Commands #

rsync -avrsync -av source/ destination/Archive mode with verbose output (-a for archive, -v for verbose)
rsync -zrsync -z source/ destination/Compress file data during the transfer (-z for compression)
rsync -rrsync -r source/ destination/Recursively transfer directories (-r for recursive)
rsync -ersync -e ssh source/ user@remote:/path/Specify the remote shell to use (-e for remote shell)
rsync -ursync -u source/ destination/Skip files that are newer on the destination (-u for update)
rsync -nrsync -n source/ destination/Perform a dry run (no changes are made) (-n for dry run)
rsync --deletersync --delete source/ destination/Delete extraneous files from the destination (--delete option)
rsync -Prsync -P source/ destination/Show progress during transfer and handle partial transfers (-P for progress and partial)

Advanced Options #

rsync --excludersync --exclude='*.tmp' -av source/ destination/Exclude files matching a pattern from being transferred (--exclude option)
rsync --includersync --include='*.jpg' --exclude='*' -av source/ destination/Include only files matching a pattern (--include option)
rsync --partialrsync --partial source/ destination/Keep partially transferred files (--partial option)
rsync --bwlimitrsync --bwlimit=1000 -av source/ destination/Limit bandwidth used during the transfer (--bwlimit option)
rsync --chownrsync --chown=user:group source/ destination/Change ownership of transferred files (--chown option)
rsync --checksumrsync --checksum -av source/ destination/Use file checksums to determine changes (--checksum option)
rsync --log-filersync --log-file=rsync.log -av source/ destination/Log transfer details to a file (--log-file option)

This cheatsheet covers the essential BSD rsync commands and options for file synchronization and transfer.

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