
CU Cheatsheet #

cu (Call Unix) is a Unix command used for communication with remote systems via serial connections.

Basic Commands #

cu -l <device>cu -l /dev/ttyS0Connect to the specified serial device
cu -l <device> -s <speed>cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600Connect to the serial device with a specific speed
cu -l <device> -s <speed> -E <escape_character>cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600 -E ^XConnect to the serial device with a specific speed and escape character
cu -l <device> -s <speed> -e <escape_character>cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600 -e ^XConnect to the serial device with an escape character for exiting

Session Control #

~.~.End the cu session
~#~#Display a list of available cu commands
~!<command>~!lsExecute a local command while in cu session

File Transfer #

~<file>~file.txtTransfer a file to the remote system
~>~> file.txtReceive a file from the remote system

Troubleshooting #

cu -l <device> -s <speed> -E <escape_character> -e <escape_character>cu -l /dev/ttyS0 -s 9600 -E ^X -e ^XConnect with specific parameters and escape characters for troubleshooting

This cheatsheet covers basic cu commands for serial communication, including session control and file transfer.


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