
Mount Cheatsheet #

The mount command is used to attach filesystems to the directory tree in Unix-like operating systems.

Basic Commands #

mount <device> <mount_point>mount /dev/sda1 /mntMount the device to the specified mount point
mount -t <type> <device> <mount_point>mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mntSpecify the filesystem type when mounting
mount -o <options> <device> <mount_point>mount -o ro /dev/sda1 /mntMount with specific options (e.g., read-only)

Common Options #

-t <type>-t ext4Specify the filesystem type (e.g., ext4, ntfs, vfat)
-o <options>-o rw,noexecSpecify mount options (e.g., rw for read-write, noexec to disallow execution)
-amount -aMount all filesystems mentioned in /etc/fstab
-rmount -r /dev/sda1 /mntMount the filesystem as read-only
-vmount -vVerbose mode; show detailed information

Unmounting Filesystems #

umount <mount_point>umount /mntUnmount the filesystem from the specified mount point
umount -aumount -aUnmount all filesystems mentioned in /etc/mtab

Checking Mounts #

mountmountDisplay all currently mounted filesystems
`mountgrep ``mount

Troubleshooting #


This cheatsheet provides fundamental mount commands for attaching and managing filesystems on Unix-like operating systems.


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