
Pacman Cheatsheet #

pacman is the package manager for Arch Linux and its derivatives. It is used for installing, updating, and managing software packages.

Basic Commands #

pacman -S <package>pacman -S nginxInstall a package
pacman -R <package>pacman -R nginxRemove a package, but keep configuration files
pacman -Rns <package>pacman -Rns nginxRemove a package and its unused dependencies
pacman -U <file>pacman -U /path/to/package.pkg.tar.zstInstall a package from a local file
pacman -Qpacman -QList all installed packages
pacman -Qi <package>pacman -Qi nginxDisplay detailed information about an installed package
pacman -Ql <package>pacman -Ql nginxList all files installed by a package
pacman -Qdpacman -QdList all dependencies that are no longer needed

Package Database and Updates #

pacman -Syupacman -SyuUpdate the system and all installed packages
pacman -Sy <package>pacman -Sy nginxSync the package database and install a package
pacman -Sccpacman -SccClean the package cache
pacman -Syypacman -SyyForce a refresh of all package databases

Searching and Querying #

pacman -Ss <query>pacman -Ss nginxSearch for packages in the repositories
pacman -Sw <package>pacman -Sw nginxDownload a package without installing it
pacman -Qmpacman -QmList all packages that were installed explicitly, but are not in the repositories

Miscellaneous #

pacman -Qk <package>pacman -Qk nginxVerify the integrity of installed files for a package
pacman -Qepacman -QeList all explicitly installed packages

This cheatsheet covers essential pacman commands and options for managing packages on Arch Linux and its derivatives.


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