
SSH Cheatsheet #

SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol for securely accessing and managing network devices and servers.

Basic Commands #

sshssh user@hostConnect to a remote host as a specified user
ssh -pssh -p 2222 user@hostSpecify a port to connect to on the remote host (-p for port)
ssh -issh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa user@hostSpecify a private key file for authentication (-i for identity file)
ssh -Xssh -X user@hostEnable X11 forwarding for graphical applications (-X for X11 forwarding)
ssh -Assh -A user@hostEnable agent forwarding to use local keys remotely (-A for agent forwarding)
ssh-copy-idssh-copy-id user@hostInstall your public key on a remote server for passwordless login
ssh-keygenssh-keygen -t rsaGenerate a new SSH key pair (-t for type, e.g., rsa, dsa)
ssh-keyscanssh-keyscan example.comRetrieve the SSH public key from a server (ssh-keyscan command)

Advanced Commands #

scpscp file.txt user@host:/path/Copy files between hosts securely (scp for secure copy)
scp -rscp -r dir/ user@host:/path/Recursively copy directories (-r for recursive)
sftpsftp user@hostStart an interactive SFTP session for file transfers (sftp command)
sshfssshfs user@host:/remote/path /local/mountpointMount a remote filesystem over SSH (sshfs command)
ssh -ossh -o ConnectTimeout=10 user@hostSpecify SSH options, like connection timeout (-o for options)
ssh -Cssh -C user@hostEnable compression to speed up transfers (-C for compression)
ssh -Tssh -T user@hostDisable pseudo-tty allocation, useful for command execution (-T for no TTY)
ssh -qssh -q user@hostSuppress warnings and error messages (-q for quiet mode)

This cheatsheet covers the essential ssh commands and options for secure shell access and file transfer.


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