
Wget Cheatsheet #

wget is a command-line utility for downloading files from the web. It supports various protocols and options.

Basic Commands #

wget <url>wget http://example.com/file.txtDownload the file from the URL
wget -O <file> <url>wget -O myfile.txt http://example.com/file.txtSave the file to a specific location
wget -P <dir> <url>wget -P /path/to/dir http://example.com/file.txtDownload the file and save it to a directory

Download Options #

wget -r <url>wget -r http://example.com/Download the entire site recursively
wget -np <url>wget -np http://example.com/dir/Avoid ascending to the parent directory
wget -l <depth> <url>wget -l 2 http://example.com/Set recursion depth (e.g., 2 levels deep)
wget -nc <url>wget -nc http://example.com/file.txtDo not download files that already exist
wget -N <url>wget -N http://example.com/file.txtDownload only if the remote file is newer

Authentication #

wget --user=<user> --password=<pass> <url>wget --user=user --password=pass http://example.com/Use HTTP basic authentication
wget --auth-no-challenge --user=<user> --password=<pass> <url>wget --auth-no-challenge --user=user --password=pass http://example.com/Use HTTP authentication without challenge

Handling Output #

wget -q <url>wget -q http://example.com/Quiet mode, no output
wget -v <url>wget -v http://example.com/Verbose mode, detailed output
wget --append-output <file> <url>wget --append-output log.txt http://example.com/Append output to a log file

Download Resumption #

wget -c <url>wget -c http://example.com/file.txtContinue a partially downloaded file

Proxy Settings #

wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=<proxy> <url>wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=http://proxy.example.com:8080 http://example.com/Use a proxy for the download

Additional Options #

wget --limit-rate=<rate> <url>wget --limit-rate=200k http://example.com/file.txtLimit download rate (e.g., 200 KB/s)
wget --timeout=<seconds> <url>wget --timeout=30 http://example.com/Set connection timeout in seconds

This cheatsheet provides essential wget commands and options for downloading files from the web.


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