
GNU dd Cheatsheet #

dd is used to convert and copy files. It is commonly used for tasks such as creating disk images or performing low-level file operations.

Basic Usage #

dd if=file of=filedd if=input.img of=output.imgCopy data from input file to output file
dd if=file of=file bs=1Mdd if=input.img of=output.img bs=1MSet block size to 1 MB
dd if=file of=file count=100dd if=input.img of=output.img count=100Copy only 100 blocks
dd if=file of=file skip=10dd if=input.img of=output.img skip=10Skip 10 blocks at the start of the input file
dd if=file of=file seek=10dd if=input.img of=output.img seek=10Skip 10 blocks at the start of the output file

Advanced Usage #

dd if=file of=file conv=noerror,syncdd if=input.img of=output.img conv=noerror,syncContinue after read errors and pad blocks with zeros
dd if=file of=file status=progressdd if=input.img of=output.img status=progressShow progress information during operation
dd if=file of=file bs=4kdd if=input.img of=output.img bs=4kSet block size to 4 KB

This cheatsheet covers essential dd commands and options for GNU systems.


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