CVS Cheatsheet #

Concurrent Versions System (CVS) is a version control system that allows multiple developers to work on the same project without overwriting each other’s changes. It maintains a history of all changes to files in a repository, which can be retrieved and examined. CVS was developed by Dick Grune as a series of shell scripts in July 1986, and later evolved into a complete version control system used extensively in open source and commercial software development.

Repository Management #

cvs initcvs initInitialize a new CVS repository
cvs checkout (co)cvs checkout module_nameCheck out a working copy from a repository

Working with Repositories #

cvs update (up)cvs updateBring changes from the repository into the working copy
cvs commit (ci)cvs commit -m "Commit message"Send changes from the working copy to the repository
cvs addcvs add file.txtSchedule a file or directory for addition to the repository
cvs remove (rm)cvs remove file.txtSchedule a file or directory for removal from the repository
cvs tagcvs tag TAGNAMETag the repository at the current file revisions
cvs rtagcvs rtag TAGNAME module_nameTag the repository at the current file revisions without checking them out

Viewing Changes #

cvs status (stat, st)cvs statusPrint the status of files in the working directory
cvs diffcvs diffDisplay the differences between working copy and repository
cvs logcvs logShow the log messages for a set of revisions

Branching and Merging #

cvs tag -bcvs tag -b branchnameCreate a branch tag
cvs update -jcvs update -j branchnameMerge changes from a branch into the working copy
cvs update -Acvs update -AReset any sticky tags, dates, or options on the working copy

Repository Maintenance #

cvs admincvs admin -mRev:msg file.txtPerform repository administrative tasks
cvs historycvs historyShow the history of files and users
cvs releasecvs release -d module_nameSafely release a checked-out module

Miscellaneous #

cvs annotatecvs annotate file.txtShow the last modification for each line of a file
cvs watchcvs watch add file.txtSet a watch on a file to monitor commits
cvs uneditcvs unedit file.txtUndo an edit command
cvs exportcvs export -r TAG module_nameExport a clean directory tree of the module at the specified tag
cvs importcvs import -m "Import message" module vendor releaseImport sources into CVS, using vendor branches
cvs checkout -rcvs checkout -r TAG module_nameCheck out a module as it existed at the specified tag

This cheatsheet covers the most commonly used CVS commands and options, helping you to manage repositories, commits, branches, merges, and more effectively.


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