GitLab CLI

GitLab CLI Cheatsheet #

GitLab CLI (GitLab Runner and GitLab CI/CD) provides commands to manage and interact with GitLab instances, repositories, CI/CD pipelines, and more directly from the command line.

General Commands #

gitlab-rake gitlab:checksudo gitlab-rake gitlab:checkCheck GitLab configuration
gitlab-ctl reconfiguresudo gitlab-ctl reconfigureReconfigure GitLab instance
gitlab-ctl restartsudo gitlab-ctl restartRestart GitLab services
gitlab-ctl statussudo gitlab-ctl statusCheck the status of GitLab services

User Management #

gitlab-rails consolesudo gitlab-rails consoleAccess the GitLab Rails console
user = User.find_by(email: ’')user = User.find_by(email: '')Find a user by email in the Rails console
user.update!(admin: true)user.update!(admin: true)Promote a user to admin in the Rails console
user.destroyuser.destroyDelete a user in the Rails console

Project Management #

gitlab project listgitlab project listList all projects
gitlab project creategitlab project create --name <project_name>Create a new project
gitlab project deletegitlab project delete --id <project_id>Delete a project
gitlab project archivegitlab project archive --id <project_id>Archive a project
gitlab project unarchivegitlab project unarchive --id <project_id>Unarchive a project

Repository Management #

git clonegit clone <repository_url>Clone a repository
git pushgit push origin masterPush changes to the master branch
git pullgit pull origin masterPull changes from the master branch
git branchgit branch <branch_name>Create a new branch
git checkoutgit checkout <branch_name>Switch to a different branch

CI/CD Pipeline Management #

gitlab-runner listgitlab-runner listList all registered runners
gitlab-runner registergitlab-runner registerRegister a new runner
gitlab-runner unregistergitlab-runner unregister --name <runner_name>Unregister a runner
gitlab-runner rungitlab-runner runRun the GitLab runner
gitlab-runner verifygitlab-runner verifyVerify all registered runners
gitlab-ci.ymlstages:\n - build\n - test\n - deploy\n\nbuild:\n stage: build\n script:\n - echo "Building..."Example .gitlab-ci.yml configuration for CI/CD pipelines

Merge Request Management #

gitlab mr listgitlab mr listList all merge requests
gitlab mr creategitlab mr create --source-branch <branch> --target-branch <branch> --title <title>Create a new merge request
gitlab mr mergegitlab mr merge --id <mr_id>Merge a merge request
gitlab mr closegitlab mr close --id <mr_id>Close a merge request

Issue Management #

gitlab issue listgitlab issue listList all issues
gitlab issue creategitlab issue create --title <title> --description <description>Create a new issue
gitlab issue closegitlab issue close --id <issue_id>Close an issue
gitlab issue reopengitlab issue reopen --id <issue_id>Reopen a closed issue

Group Management #

gitlab group listgitlab group listList all groups
gitlab group creategitlab group create --name <group_name>Create a new group
gitlab group deletegitlab group delete --id <group_id>Delete a group
gitlab group add-membergitlab group add-member --group-id <group_id> --user-id <user_id> --access-level <access_level>Add a member to a group
gitlab group remove-membergitlab group remove-member --group-id <group_id> --user-id <user_id>Remove a member from a group

Backup and Restore #

gitlab-backup createsudo gitlab-backup createCreate a backup of the GitLab instance
gitlab-backup restoresudo gitlab-backup restore BACKUP=<backup_file>Restore the GitLab instance from a backup

Log Management #

gitlab-ctl tailsudo gitlab-ctl tailTail the GitLab logs
gitlab-ctl tailsudo gitlab-ctl tail nginxTail the logs of a specific GitLab service
gitlab-ctl reconfiguresudo gitlab-ctl reconfigureReconfigure GitLab services

This cheatsheet covers the most commonly used GitLab CLI commands and options, helping you to manage users, projects, repositories, CI/CD pipelines, merge requests, issues, groups, backups, and logs effectively.

GitLab CLI

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