OpenBSD got

OpenBSD got Cheatsheet #

OpenBSD’s got is a tool for managing and interacting with Git repositories, providing functionalities for version control and repository management.

General Commands #

got clone <repo_url>got clone a repository from a URL
got statusgot statusShow the working tree status
got fetchgot fetchFetch changes from the remote repository
got pullgot pullPull changes from the remote repository and merge

Branch Management #

got branchgot branchList all branches in the repository
got branch <branch_name>got branch feature-branchCreate a new branch
got checkout <branch_name>got checkout feature-branchSwitch to a different branch
got merge <branch_name>got merge feature-branchMerge a branch into the current branch
got branch -d <branch_name>got branch -d feature-branchDelete a branch

Commit Management #

got add <file>got add .Add files to the staging area
got commit -m "message"got commit -m "Add new feature"Commit changes with a message
got pushgot push origin mainPush changes to the remote repository

Tag Management #

got taggot tagList all tags in the repository
got tag <tag_name>got tag v1.0Create a new tag
got tag -d <tag_name>got tag -d v1.0Delete a tag

Repository Management #

got initgot initInitialize a new Git repository
got remote add <name> <url>got remote add origin a new remote repository
got remote remove <name>got remote remove originRemove a remote repository

Log Management #

got loggot logShow the commit logs
got log -pgot log -pShow the commit logs with diffs

Rebase and Reset #

got rebase <branch_name>got rebase feature-branchRebase the current branch onto another branch
got reset <commit>got reset --hard HEAD~1Reset the current branch to a specific commit

This cheatsheet covers the most commonly used got commands and options for managing and interacting with Git repositories on OpenBSD.

OpenBSD got

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