LXC Containers

LXC Containers Cheatsheet #

LXC (Linux Containers) provides a lightweight virtualization method to run multiple Linux systems on a single host.

Container Management #

lxc-createlxc-create -t ubuntu -n mycontainerCreate a new container with the specified template and name
lxc-startlxc-start -n mycontainerStart the specified container
lxc-stoplxc-stop -n mycontainerStop the specified container
lxc-destroylxc-destroy -n mycontainerDestroy the specified container
lxc-infolxc-info -n mycontainerDisplay information about the specified container

Container Configuration #

lxc-configlxc-config -lList all configuration options for LXC
lxc-profilelxc-profile -n mycontainerView or modify the profile of a container

Networking #

lxc-netlxc-net -a -g network settings for LXC containers
lxc-networklxc-network -n mycontainerDisplay network configuration for a specific container

Container Filesystem #

lxc-executelxc-execute -n mycontainer -- bashExecute a command inside the container
lxc-attachlxc-attach -n mycontainerAttach to a running container

Container Monitoring #

lxc-lslxc-lsList all containers on the host
lxc-toplxc-topDisplay resource usage of running containers
lxc-cgrouplxc-cgroup -n mycontainerManage cgroup settings for a specific container

Snapshot Management #

lxc-snapshotlxc-snapshot -n mycontainerCreate a snapshot of a container
lxc-snapshot -llxc-snapshot -lList all snapshots for containers

Other Commands #

lxc-configlxc-config -lList all configuration options for LXC
lxc-startlxc-start -n mycontainer -dStart the container in the background

This cheatsheet covers essential LXC container commands and options to help you manage and maintain LXC containers effectively.

LXC Containers

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