OpenBSD VMM Cheatsheet #

OpenBSD VMM is a virtual machine monitor that provides tools to manage virtual machines on OpenBSD.

Virtual Machine Management #

vmctl createvmctl create -t 4G -s 20G -c 1 myvmCreate a new virtual machine with specified memory and disk size
vmctl startvmctl start myvmStart a virtual machine
vmctl stopvmctl stop myvmStop a running virtual machine
vmctl destroyvmctl destroy myvmDestroy a virtual machine and remove its configuration
vmctl listvmctl listList all virtual machines and their status

Virtual Machine Configuration #

vmctl infovmctl info myvmDisplay detailed information about a virtual machine
vmctl modifyvmctl modify myvm -t 8GModify the memory size of a virtual machine

Network Management #

vmctl setvmctl set myvm -c "e1000" -n "bridge0"Set network interface for a virtual machine
vmctl networkvmctl network -aDisplay network configuration for virtual machines

Disk Management #

vmctl diskvmctl disk -a myvmList disk devices attached to a virtual machine
vmctl attachvmctl attach -a disk.img myvmAttach a disk image to a virtual machine

Miscellaneous #

vmctl snapshotvmctl snapshot myvm -n snapshot1Create a snapshot of a virtual machine
vmctl restorevmctl restore myvm -n snapshot1Restore a virtual machine from a snapshot

This cheatsheet covers essential OpenBSD VMM commands and options to help you manage and maintain virtual machines efficiently.


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