
Vagrant Cheatsheet #

Vagrant is an open-source tool for building and managing virtual machine environments in a single workflow. It provides a simple and easy-to-use command-line client for managing these environments, and it focuses on automation to improve the development workflow.

Basic Commands #

vagrant initvagrant init hashicorp/bionic64Initialize a new Vagrant environment with a Vagrantfile
vagrant upvagrant upCreate and configure guest machines according to the Vagrantfile
vagrant haltvagrant haltHalt the running Vagrant machine
vagrant destroyvagrant destroyDestroy the Vagrant machine

Box Management #

vagrant box addvagrant box add hashicorp/bionic64Add a box to Vagrant from a box catalog or URL
vagrant box listvagrant box listList all boxes installed on your system
vagrant box removevagrant box remove hashicorp/bionic64Remove a box from Vagrant
vagrant box outdatedvagrant box outdatedCheck if there are updates for the box

SSH and Networking #

vagrant sshvagrant sshSSH into the running Vagrant machine
vagrant ssh-configvagrant ssh-configOutput SSH configuration details for connecting to the machine
vagrant portvagrant portDisplay the guest machine port mappings

Synced Folders #

config.vm.synced_folderconfig.vm.synced_folder "./data", "/vagrant_data"Define a synced folder in the Vagrantfile

Provisioning #

config.vm.provisionconfig.vm.provision "shell", inline: "echo Hello, World"Provision the machine using inline shell scripts or other provisioners in the Vagrantfile

Plugins #

vagrant plugin installvagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguestInstall a Vagrant plugin
vagrant plugin listvagrant plugin listList installed Vagrant plugins
vagrant plugin uninstallvagrant plugin uninstall vagrant-vbguestUninstall a Vagrant plugin

Multi-Machine #

config.vm.define`config.vm.define “web” doweb

Environment Management #

vagrant statusvagrant statusCheck the status of the Vagrant environment
vagrant global-statusvagrant global-statusList all active Vagrant environments on the system
vagrant reloadvagrant reloadRestart the Vagrant machine and apply any changes in the Vagrantfile
vagrant suspendvagrant suspendSuspend the Vagrant machine (saving the state)
vagrant resumevagrant resumeResume a suspended Vagrant machine

Miscellaneous #

vagrant validatevagrant validateValidate the Vagrantfile syntax
vagrant packagevagrant package --output package.boxPackage the running Vagrant machine into a box
vagrant versionvagrant versionDisplay the current Vagrant version and check for updates

This cheatsheet covers the most commonly used Vagrant commands and options, helping you to manage boxes, environments, SSH connections, synced folders, provisioning, plugins, and more effectively.


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