VMware Horizon CLI

VMware Horizon CLI Cheatsheet #

VMware Horizon CLI provides commands to manage VMware Horizon virtual desktops and applications. These commands help administrators perform tasks related to pools, sessions, configurations, and more directly from the command line.

General Commands #

viewcmd –helpviewcmd --helpDisplay help for the Horizon CLI commands
viewcmd –versionviewcmd --versionDisplay the version of the Horizon CLI

Pool Management #

viewcmd pool –listviewcmd pool --listList all pools
viewcmd pool –createviewcmd pool --create --name <pool_name> --description "Description"Create a new pool
viewcmd pool –deleteviewcmd pool --delete --name <pool_name>Delete a pool
viewcmd pool –updateviewcmd pool --update --name <pool_name> --description "New description"Update pool properties

Session Management #

viewcmd session –listviewcmd session --listList all active sessions
viewcmd session –terminateviewcmd session --terminate --user <username>Terminate a session for a user
viewcmd session –disconnectviewcmd session --disconnect --user <username>Disconnect a session for a user

Desktop Management #

viewcmd desktop –listviewcmd desktop --listList all desktops
viewcmd desktop –createviewcmd desktop --create --name <desktop_name> --pool <pool_name>Create a new desktop in a pool
viewcmd desktop –deleteviewcmd desktop --delete --name <desktop_name>Delete a desktop
viewcmd desktop –resetviewcmd desktop --reset --name <desktop_name>Reset a desktop

Application Management #

viewcmd app –listviewcmd app --listList all applications
viewcmd app –publishviewcmd app --publish --name <app_name> --package <package_path>Publish a new application
viewcmd app –unpublishviewcmd app --unpublish --name <app_name>Unpublish an application
viewcmd app –updateviewcmd app --update --name <app_name> --package <package_path>Update an application package

User Management #

viewcmd user –listviewcmd user --listList all users
viewcmd user –addviewcmd user --add --username <username> --password <password>Add a new user
viewcmd user –deleteviewcmd user --delete --username <username>Delete a user
viewcmd user –updateviewcmd user --update --username <username> --password <new_password>Update user properties

Configuration Management #

viewcmd config –listviewcmd config --listList all configuration settings
viewcmd config –setviewcmd config --set --key <key> --value <value>Set a configuration setting
viewcmd config –getviewcmd config --get --key <key>Get the value of a configuration setting
viewcmd config –deleteviewcmd config --delete --key <key>Delete a configuration setting

Log Management #

viewcmd log –listviewcmd log --listList all log files
viewcmd log –showviewcmd log --show --file <log_file>Display the contents of a log file
viewcmd log –downloadviewcmd log --download --file <log_file> --output <output_path>Download a log file

Troubleshooting #

viewcmd support –bundleviewcmd support --bundle --output <output_path>Create a support bundle for troubleshooting
viewcmd support –diagnoseviewcmd support --diagnose --component <component>Run diagnostics on a specific component
viewcmd support –statusviewcmd support --statusDisplay the status of support services

This cheatsheet covers the most commonly used VMware Horizon CLI commands and options, helping you to manage pools, sessions, desktops, applications, users, configurations, logs, and perform troubleshooting effectively.

VMware Horizon CLI

Explore our comprehensive cheatsheets to enhance your knowledge and efficiency. Each cheatsheet provides detailed command options, examples, and descriptions to help you master various tools and technologies.